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An evaporator is a type of heat exchanger device that facilitates evaporation by utilizing conductive and convective heat transfer to provide the necessary thermal energy for the phase transition from liquid to vapor.
When today the Environment requires three “R” to be taken very seriously, Reduce, Recycle & Re-Use. To complete this in Waste Water. Actinic Provides equipment to reduce further your End Waste Water after various RO Plants using Evaporator. We at Actinic provide & manufacture evaporators working on the principle of Vaccum Mode ( with Air) Electric Mode & Thermal Mode. Evaporator Evaporate final RO Reject water in industries Effluent Treatment plants & Sewage Treatment Plant Re-cycle systems. The Evaporators are the most important part of achieving Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). The Evaporated Water can also be stored after installing Condensers to the Evaporators.
An evaporator is used for a very small amount of volume to evaporate wastewater because the water evaporation cost in an electrical evaporator is too expensive.
The key features of Actinic evaporators are as below.
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