Phone : +918586928603
ACTINIC solid wall Basket centrifuge uses centrifugal force to promote liquid/solid separation. The feed slurry is introduced into the rotating basket and is accelerated to the basket speed. Solids/contaminants are pulled radially away from the liquid by centrifugal force and collected along the inner wall of the basket. The clarified liquid builds up along the inside and flows up and over the basket wall. It collects along the inside of the housing and is discharged by gravity through the outlet.
Liquid clarification continues until the basket can no longer retain any solids and must be emptied. Manual and semi-automatic solids discharge is available for suitable solids consistency Basket Centrifuge has a perforated Wall & a Cylindrical rotor. In many cases, the outer wall of a basket centrifuge consists of a fine mesh screen or a series of screens with finer mesh screens supported by heavier coarse screens, which in turn is supported by the Bowl. The liquid passes through the screen and the particles that are too large to pass through the screen
are deposited.
Actinic Centrifuge is available in Diameters of:
12” 18” 24” 30” 36”
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